Q: What are incalls and outcalls? 

A: If you book an escort for an outcall appointment, she will visit you - sometimes in your home or business, but more usually in your hotel room. For an incall, you visit our escorts in their location.

Q: Do any of the ladies offer half hour rates?

 A: No. The minimum appointment duration is one hour.

Q: How far in advance should I book a lady?

A: You can make a booking on the same day or as far as 3 weeks beforehand. Same day appointments usually require about an hour notice. However., you may call and check for immediate availability. You can book by email text or by phone. Booking in advance is a good option to be sure of securing a date with the escort girl of your choice at the time most convenient to you.

Q: What payment methods do the escorts accept?

A: Cash is the ONLY form of payment currently accepted. However, a few ladies are able to accept credit cards through independent processing. The ladies that accept credit cards are listed on there profiles.

Q: How are new clients verified?

A: We ask for as little information as possible. Name, number and city of residence. We never ask for address or place of work. We respect your privacy. You will have to show ID when you meet the lady to verify its you and your of age.

Q: Is all this legal? Am I breaking the law? 

A: Yes it is legal, and no, you're definitely not breaking the law. We are simply introducing you to individuals who take payment in exchange for spending their time with you. What the girls do when they are with you is their business and yours - it's nothing to do with us. As for you, as long as you don't pay anyone under the age of 18 to be an escort for yourself, you're fine. All our escorts are assuredly over age and have provided us with documented proof of their age and nationality.

Q: Is my information kept on file? 

A: NO! We do not keep records . There is no client list. We shred your information after the appointment. If you are a repeat client, please do not be offended if we continue to ask who you are each time you call.

Q: Can I book an appointment for my friend?

 A: Since this is adult entertainment, we need to speak directly to the client being serviced.

Q: After meeting my date, may I extend my time? 

A:Yes, if the time is available. We recommend notifying us at the time of booking if you may want more time.

Q:What happens if I have to cancel?

A: We understand that things happen. Canceling too close to an appointment time or canceling multiple times can result in being blacklisted.

Q:Am I expected to tip after my appointment? 

A: No, the rates are all inclusive. If you really enjoyed your time together tips are always appreciated.

Q:Can I speak to the lady before or after my appointment?

 A: Please respect that the lady chose an agency to be responsible for their bookings. We would be happy to forward any desires to the lady before the appointment.

Q:Can I meet the lady in a public place? 

A: Absolutely not! We prefer everything discreet and private.

Q: Are the pictures on the girls' profile pages genuine? 

A: They are all absolutely genuine. Some escort agencies will fob you off with fake pictures - we don't. We have a policy of always meeting our escorts individually to ensure their pictures are genuine. All our galleries show the genuine photos of our escorts. We respect our clients, we don't cheat them.

Q:Can I see face photos of the ladies who have blurred or blocked faces?

A: No, please understand the ladies do have private lives and wish to keep their identity safe. If you feel unsure about seeing a lady without first seeing a face photo, please choose from one of the other ladies who share face photos.

Q: Help! My question isn't answered here! 

A: Not a problem: we're committed to the highest possible level of customer service. Contact Us and we'll do our best to answer your question!